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Can Dogs Eat Watermelon?

Can Dogs Eat Watermelon?

Can Dogs Eat Watermelon?

Dogs love watermelon as much as we do! Watermelon is also a great alternative to regular fruits during the driest and warmest days because it contains plenty of water.

However, feeding watermelon to your dog isn’t quite that simple. There are some risks associated with this juicy fruit because of its high sugar content. However, dogs can enjoy the health benefits without consequences with the right amount and type of this refreshing treat.

Can dogs eat watermelon? Here is everything you need to know.

Watermelon Facts

Watermelons are naturally 88% water and 12% sugar. This means they are a great source of hydration if you’re enjoying a hot Summer day at the park!

- A watermelon is 95% carbohydrate and 2% protein, with no fat.

- Watermelon contains a lot of vitamins A, B6, C, and Folate.

- Watermelons are the only fruit that contains Lycopene, an antioxidant that can help prevent cancer.

Is Watermelon Safe for Dogs?

As long as your dog isn’t sensitive to citrulline, a watermelon shouldn’t cause any issues. Dogs sensitive to citrulline may experience vomiting, diarrhea, or lethargy.

Fresh fruit like watermelon is usually recommended as a tasty snack and healthy treat for dogs because it’s easy to digest and contains many nutrients. Be sure to remove the rind and seeds if you’re feeding them to your dog.

What are the health benefits of watermelon for my dog?

Watermelon has numerous nutritional benefits both for humans and dogs. Watermelon is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It can help boost immunity, relieve muscle cramps, protect against certain cancers and improve skin and coat health.

A fresh watermelon serves as a great source of hydration for your dog in the Summer heat. It can also help keep your dog’s digestive system healthy and regular. Overall, this healthy snack can be used as pet food and improve your dog’s diet.p-=

Are there any parts of a watermelon my dog CAN’T eat?

The only parts of a watermelon that your dog shouldn’t eat are the seeds and rind. The rind is not digestible and could cause upset stomach, intestinal blockage, and gastrointestinal issues. Seeds, on the other hand, are not nutritious. They can also cause an intestinal blockage if your dog swallows them whole.

Watermelon rind

The watermelon rind is rich in citrulline, an amino acid with various benefits for dogs, such as reducing blood pressure and boosting metabolism.

The rind is also rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Watermelon rind contains a large amount of citrulline, which can help prevent blood clots and lower blood pressure. But, this does not mean that rind is suitable for dog consumption because it is a choking hazard, especially for smaller dogs.

Watermelon Seeds

On top of everything, seedless watermelon should always be the top priority of dog owners. However, when the owners can’t find seedless watermelons, owners choose to avoid feeding their dog watermelon seeds due to the possibility of intestinal blockages.

If your dog eats the seeds of a watermelon, you should contact your veterinarian immediately.

Things to Look Out for in Watermelon Treats

Sugar Content

Watermelon is 88% water and 12% sugar. It’s also rich in citrulline, which lowers blood pressure. So for people with high blood pressure, it’s recommended to eat watermelon because it is fat-free. If your dog overeats watermelon, their blood sugar might temporarily rise. If this happens, they might get a little hyperactive or lethargic.

If they overeat watermelon, they might also experience a drop in blood sugar the following day. If your dog is susceptible to sugar, they might experience lethargy or vomiting. In extreme cases, they might even go into hypoglycemia. It’s important to note that even though watermelon contains sugar, it’s not as concentrated as table sugar.

Eating Too Much

Dogs can only eat a moderate amount of watermelon. If they overeat watermelon, it could cause gastrointestinal upset like cramps and vomiting. It could also cause diarrhea and bloating. If your dog eats a lot of watermelon, you might notice that their urine is darker than usual. This could be due to the citrulline in the watermelon.

Fake Watermelon

Dog treats advertised as watermelon are often not made with natural watermelon. They are usually made with artificial sweeteners, flavoring, and low-quality ingredients. It’s best to avoid these treats since they could contain harmful preservatives and chemicals. It’s also better to feed real watermelon to your dog since they’re mostly water anyway.

Types of Watermelon Treats

By the chunk

If you have small dogs, you may want to decrease the risk of choking. However, you can still prepare watermelon chunks by cutting the watermelon into smaller pieces.

One of the best ways to cut watermelon is to microwave it until it’s hot. When you do this, the watermelon will be easier to cut through. Once you slice the watermelon, place it in the freezer. The cold surface will help the watermelon retain its shape while giving it a frozen texture that will prevent your pup from being able to swallow too much at once.


You can also freeze watermelon chunks for a frozen treat using the same method as above. Dogs love frozen treats because they are refreshing while also helping clean their teeth and reduce tartar buildup. One of the best ways to freeze the watermelon is to remove the rind and then portion the watermelon into small cubes. Place the cubes on a baking sheet and let them freeze for about 4 hours before transferring them to an airtight container for long-term storage.


For dogs who are more sensitive to chewing, you may want to try a watermelon puree. Pureeing watermelon is a quick and easy way to create a watermelon treat that is easy for dogs to digest. You can make a watermelon puree by adding watermelon to a food processor.

Doggie Ice Cream

You can even make your dogs a special ice cream treat! This is a great option, as dairy products are not recommended for dogs. A great way to make dog-friendly ice cream is to use frozen watermelon as your base. You can also add sweet potato and vanilla extract.


Watermelon is an excellent choice for dogs that need a very low-calorie treatment option. To make watermelon treats low in calories, you can dehydrate watermelon slices by placing them in the oven at a low temperature for up to 8 hours.

When dehydrating watermelon, you want to make sure that there is no moisture left in the watermelon. This is because the water content in the watermelon will create a bacterial environment that will cause your treats to spoil quickly.