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Can Dogs Eat Cashews?

By Lisa Baronoff
Published July 03, 2022
Updated February 12, 2025

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    Cashews are a nut that can be found in many different forms, from snack foods to dog treats. They are often used in baking and candy making, so they are rather common. You're not alone if you’ve ever wondered: can dogs eat cashews?

    Even though they’re a common snack food for humans, it’s still not something that most dogs will eat. However, not all dogs are averse to cashews. In fact, many veterinarians recommend that some dogs eat cashews. If you’re not sure if your dog can eat cashews or not, continue reading to learn more about these crunchy treats and the circumstances in which your dog might eat them.

    How to Feed Cashews to Dogs

    Feeding cashews to your dog isn’t especially complicated. You can simply give them a handful of cashews as a snack. However, most dogs don’t particularly like the taste of cashews. If you don’t have any other options, you can also try substituting nuts for other treats that your dog usually likes. For example, you can try substituting cashews with almonds, oat bran, or pecans. While it’s not strictly necessary to be feeding your dog cashews or any sort of nut, they can still be a good source of nutrition for your dog.

    Nuts are high in healthy fats, protein, and fiber. They also contain a variety of vitamins and minerals. As a result, they make great human food sources for dogs because they’re nutritious, filling, and easy to find. It’s best to feed your dog these foods as part of a healthy diet, not as the main component.




    Cashew Milk

    Cashew milk is safe for dogs to drink. You can purchase cashew milk in the store and use it just like any other type of milk to feed your dog. You can also make your own homemade cashew milk.

    Cashew milk is made from cashews, so it’s full of protein and fat. For this reason, it’s a popular type of milk for people who are lactose intolerant. If you’re lactose intolerant, cashew milk is a good choice because it’s not made from cow’s milk. However, if your dog is lactose intolerant, he may not be able to drink it either.

    Cashew Butter

    Many have the question: Can dogs eat cashew butter? The answer is yes. There is a type of oil extracted from cashews and is the same as what you’d find in a jar of peanut butter.

    However, any sort of nut butter should only be given to your dog in small quantities, as they contain a high amount of protein. You should always check with your veterinarian before giving your dog a new type of food.



    Raw Cashews

    Raw cashews are unprocessed and unroasted cashews. You can also find raw unsalted cashews, making them more favorable for your dog. You can find them in many grocery stores, including Walmart, Safeway, and Albertsons. Both humans and dogs can eat them. However, it’s important to remember that raw cashews are still a nut. There are a few things to keep in mind when feeding your dog raw cashews. First, use caution. Raw nuts should never be fed to an unweaned dog. Also, raw cashews are high in fat. The fat content can contribute to high cholesterol and heart disease.


    There are a few potential risks associated with feeding cashews to your dog. First, cashews can cause stomach upset in dogs. If your dog's stomach gets upset after eating cashews, stop giving them and call your veterinarian. Cashew nuts are no more dangerous than any other nut. You just have to be careful about the type of cashews you feed your dog.

    Allergic Reactions

    It’s essential to keep in mind that not all dogs can eat cashews. If your dog cannot consume cashews, there’s nothing to worry about. However, if your dog can have cashews, there are several things to keep in mind.

    First, always wash your hands after handling cashews. Second, make sure your dog doesn’t have any allergies before feeding them cashew nuts. Third, make sure that your dog doesn’t have any underlying health issues before feeding them cashews. If your dog has an allergic reaction to cashews, but you don’t know why, it’s also worth speaking with your veterinarian about what else your dog could be allergic to.

    Pancreatitis / High-Fat Content

    Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas. It’s often caused by eating high-fat foods such as almonds or cashews. If you think your dog has eaten almonds or cashews, you should call your vet immediately.



    Stomach upset

    While cashews are high in fat, they’re also a commonly-used vegan protein source. That means that they typically have a low-fat content. However, this doesn’t mean that they’re perfectly safe for your dog. Cashews can cause stomach upset. This can be because cashews are a high-fat food and are often eaten raw.

    As a result, cashews are very prone to bacteria and can cause stomach upset. If you think that your dog has eaten cashews, it’s important to watch for signs of stomach upset. Common signs of stomach upset include excessive drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, or a hunched appearance.

    Nuts That Are Dangerous to Dogs

    Why are certain nuts dangerous to dogs? This is a question with no easy answer. Most of the time, it has to do with what a specific nut is made from. Nuts are made up of oil and protein packed together. Certain oils and proteins can be toxic to dogs, while others are safe.

    Macadamia nuts

    Macadamia nuts are a tropical nut that is not native to North America. They are often used as treats and snacks because they contain a large amount of oil. These nuts are toxic to dogs if ingested in large quantities. They can also cause your dog to become very sick.

    Black Walnuts

    Black walnuts are not a nut at all, but rather a type of hickory nut. They are often used in baking as a substitute for other nuts. Black walnuts are toxic to dogs.


    Pecans are a type of nut that is native to North America. They are often used in baking and are a popular snack food. Pecans do not contain enough protein to be toxic to dogs, but they are high in fat, so they should be kept out of reach.


    How many cashews can a dog eat?

    When it comes to how many cashews a dog can eat, the answer is: it depends. As we’ve already discussed, not all cashews are safe for all dogs. If your dog is too young to eat them or you don’t know if they are safe for them, you should not feed them to your dog. If your dog is a picky eater, or if they tend to eat unhealthy treats, you should keep cashews out of their diet. If your dog’s teeth are not yet mature, this can be very dangerous.

    What nuts are poisonous to dogs?

    Brazil nuts get a lot of attention as a potentially dangerous nut for dogs to eat. However, they are not the only nut to watch out for. Other nuts that are poisonous to dogs include macadamia nuts, pecans, and black walnuts.

    Why does my dog like cashews so much?

    Your dog may become very fond of the cashew nut for the same reason that humans do. They are a crunchy, savory treat for them. They can also be quite filling and are a nice change from their typical kibble or dog treats. As we've discussed, some dogs may love cashews, and others will not love the taste or consistency. Again, this is due to the same reason why humans like certain foods and others do not. Dogs have taste buds just like us.

    Final Thoughts

    If you want to feed your dog cashews, you should be aware of the risks and potential consequences associated with doing so. It’s also important to keep in mind that not every dog can eat cashews. If you have further questions, you should always contact your veterinarian.