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Can Dogs Eat Broccoli?

By Lisa Baronoff
Published July 03, 2022
Updated February 12, 2025

Table of Contents

    Dogs love eating just about anything, but some human foods have more risks than benefits for our four-legged friends. Many fruits and vegetables contain high levels of fructose or oxalate acids, which can be harmful to dogs with sensitive stomachs.

    Even something as healthy as broccoli can be dangerous for dogs when eaten raw. However, cooked broccoli has a lot of great benefits for your dog!

    The nutrients become more digestible and beneficial to your dog’s diet when you cook it. In addition to adding an interesting new taste sensation to your dog’s mealtime routine, research shows that feeding your dog cooked broccoli regularly has many health benefits.

    Health benefits of broccoli for my dog

    Broccoli contains Vitamin C, Vitamin K, and potassium, all of which are crucial for canine companions' heart health, bone density, and immune systems. These nutrients play a significant role in these areas.

    • Fiber

    Broccoli contains a lot of fiber, which is excellent for your dog. The canine digestive system can’t break down most plant fibers, but it can digest the ones found in broccoli. That means that while your dog might not feel satisfied after their meal, they will be able to better use the food they consumed and promote digestion.

    Fiber also promotes healthy blood sugar levels, which is helpful for dogs who are diabetic or overweight.

    • Vitamin K

    Broccoli contains vitamin K, which is essential for clotting blood. Dogs need normal blood clotting to avoid excessive bleeding from wounds or cuts.

    Broccoli is not just for humans! It can be very beneficial for your dog’s body too. Along with the many vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that broccoli provides, broccoli also contains vitamin K. If you find that your dog has anemia or any other type of bleeding disorder, adding more vitamin K-rich foods to their diet may help alleviate or minimize symptoms.

    • Vitamin C

    Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables are an excellent source of Vitamin C. In particular, it’s an excellent source for dogs that are not eating other foods rich in Vitamin C. Vitamin C boosts the immune system by fighting off colds and illnesses. It also helps with healing wounds and broken bones.

    Broccoli can help your dog feel better when sick or feeling under the weather by creating antibodies that protect him from illness.

    In addition to helping with the body’s natural healing process, Vitamin C also has antioxidant properties that promote healthy skin, teeth, and gums! A diet rich in Vitamin C may help with gum disease by strengthening your dog's teeth and reducing overall plaque buildup in his mouth.

    • Minerals
      Broccoli is a great source of minerals essential to your dog’s health. Some of these minerals include calcium, zinc, iron, and selenium. Calcium can help strengthen your dog's bones and teeth.

    Zinc helps develop your dog's reproductive organs and helps with their sense of taste and smell. Iron plays a crucial role in healthy blood production, while selenium has antioxidant properties that help your dog fight free radicals.

    • Folic Acid
      Broccoli is a vegetable that provides many health benefits for humans, but the same can’t always be said for dogs. However, when cooked, broccoli provides folic acid, which helps your dog's skin and coat by producing keratin.
      This nutrient also assists with cell growth and in producing red blood cells. In addition to helping your dog with these things, research has shown that folic acid may help with arthritis as well.

    What Are the Concerns of Broccoli for Dogs?

    Portion Control

    If you decide to give broccoli to your dog, the amount you feed them will depend on their size. Small dogs can eat a quarter of a cup of cooked broccoli, medium-sized dogs can have half a cup, and large dogs can have an entire cup. Like any other vegetable or fruit, too much broccoli can lead to stomach upset for your furry friend.

    To avoid this problem, make sure to feed your dog in small quantities that are timed out over the day. In order for them to get all the benefits from their food, feed them three different times a day with each meal consisting of three parts carbohydrates, two parts protein, and one part vegetables.

    The best way to make sure they’re getting just the right amount is by purchasing a pet food scale, so you know exactly what they’re eating.

    It's important that you feed broccoli to your dog in moderate amounts. Broccoli does contain trace amounts of isothiocyanates in the broccoli florets, which can cause indigestion problems

    Choking Hazard

    One of the most common risks of giving your dog broccoli is that it can be challenging for them to chew. Even if you know your pup has a great set of teeth, he may not be able to chew through them easily when it comes to crunchy vegetables like broccoli.

    If they try to swallow chunks or large quantities of broccoli, they might choke on them and start gasping for air. This could lead to more serious problems, including punctured intestines, intestinal blockages or choking, and an obstructed airway.

    Harmful Bacteria

    Dogs may be able to eat cooked broccoli with no threat of illness, but dogs eating raw broccoli can be harmful. In fact, it contains a toxin called oxalate acid, which can cause stomach irritation, diarrhea, and vomiting. Most dogs can tolerate small amounts without any concern. However, if your dog has a sensitive stomach or you feed them too much, they may experience these symptoms.

    Raw broccoli is also harder for your dog to digest than cooked broccoli because the cooking process reduces the levels of an enzyme that breaks down cell walls in vegetables.

    Therefore, their intestines cannot break down the vegetable as easily. This means it takes your dog’s digestive system longer to process this food, and they could potentially ingest more hazardous material like bacteria before they’re able to digest it fully.

    Some Feeding Suggestions for This Veggie

    • Raw

    Technically, it’s okay for your dog to consume broccoli that hasn’t been cooked, but it’s advisable to prepare it first. This is because raw broccoli contains a compound called goitrogens which can impact your dog’s thyroid and disrupt the normal conversion of iodine into thyroid hormones.

    • Cooked

    As a general rule, cooked broccoli is preferable to raw broccoli. This is because the heat from cooking helps break down certain toxic compounds when consumed in large quantities.

    The most popular preparation method for serving broccoli for dogs is steamed. Boiling or steaming broccoli helps to soften the hard stalk or stem as this can be a choking hazard. As such, it’s best for your dog to eat cooked broccoli rather than raw.

    • Smoothies

    • Pet parents can make smoothies for their dogs. You can also puree broccoli with watermelon, strawberries, blueberries, or bananas, among other dog-friendly fruits or vegetables like carrots, green beans, cooked sweet potatoes, or cauliflower. Yogurt or fresh fruit juice with no sugar can also be mixed and served to your pet on hot summer days.

    FAQs About Dogs Eating Broccoli

    How much broccoli can a dog eat?

    The amount of broccoli your dog should have will depend on various factors, including age, weight, metabolism, and other health factors. However, the general rule is that dogs can eat 1-2 cups of cooked broccoli every day.

    As with any new food for your pet, it’s best to introduce it slowly and in small pieces at first to avoid gastrointestinal upset or an allergic reaction. You may want to start by mixing a small amount with your dog’s food before eventually increasing the serving size. Once you know how your dog reacts to broccoli over time, you can adjust its intake accordingly.

    What part of broccoli can dogs eat?

    Most dogs should be able to eat this crunchy vegetable. The key is not to give them the broccoli stalks part of the vegetable, as it’s hard for them to digest.

    You can give your dog broccoli florets or have it chopped and mixed in with other foods.

    Final Thoughts

    Is broccoli good for dogs? There are many benefits to feeding your dog broccoli. Broccoli contains vitamins A and C and beta-carotene, and other essential nutrients. As such, broccoli can help promote a healthy immune system and protect against certain diseases.

    We know you probably love it — but does your dog? Some dogs struggle with digestion, so it's worth experimenting with different forms of the vegetable before offering it to your pup on a regular basis.

    The best advice is to limit this vegetable as an occasional treat, and if you plan to share it, keep an eye on your dog while he eats it because this green veggie also contains a potentially harmful ingredient. Even though cruciferous vegetables are safe for dogs, you should still follow some safety precautions when feeding broccoli to your dog for them to stay healthy.