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How to Choose the Best Dog Winter Coat

How to Choose the Best Dog Winter Coat

How to Choose the Best Dog Winter Coat

Because of the chilly weather in winter, regular dog walks may be uncomfortable, for both humans and dogs. You may be thinking: Is my pet warm enough? If your pet is refusing to go outside or cutting your walks short, it may be time for some winter gear.

Not all dogs need winter jackets. Some dogs prefer the snow! You may have seen northern breeds with dense fur coats like huskies refuse to come inside from their snow bed.

However, certain pets require special protection from freezing weather. Small dogs, dogs with thin fur, or senior pups all might benefit from a warm coat. 


What to Look For When Buying a Dog Winter Jacket

Proper Fit

A good winter coat should be snug, cover the majority of your pet's shoulders, tummy and be comfortable enough to move around freely.

Look for jackets that cover from the neck down to the base of the tail. If your pet needs extra warmth, consider sizing up so a sweater can fit under your jacket.

A good jacket is adjustable to fit your pet's changing needs.


Leg Protection

Leg sleeves are a great added protection in the winter for your pup. Small dogs or need extra warmth or dogs with long fur where snow can get caught, may need leg covers.

Our outdoor leggings are slim enough to fit under most winter jackets, and our cozy winter jacket has the option to add removable leg covers!

Make sure any leg-sleeve you use is adjustable at the back and paws, so your pup is comfortable and protected.


Comfortable Material

Do you think wool sweaters itch? Your dog might agree! Dog's skin is just as sensitive as ours, or sometimes more.

Soft cotton, smooth jackets, etc. are the best choices for winter jacket material. It shouldn't snag or get caught on their nails or other furniture. 


Activity Ready

Winter dog gear is designed to complement your cold-weather outdoor travels. Dog jackets should be easily maneuverable, comfortable, waterproof, and more to take your dogs through all of your adventures. 


What Dogs Need a Winter Coat?

Small Dogs

Smaller dogs are more susceptible to the cold. Not only do they generally have thinner fur, but they also lose heat faster. Some common breeds that should have winter coats are:

  • Chihuahuas
  • French bulldogs
  • Jack Russell terriers

Some small dogs need sweaters even in spring! It's important to make sure that they are comfortable and safe during the winter.


Big Dogs 

Yes, there are big dogs that need sweaters. In larger or long-haired breeds, it's best to talk to your vet or observe what your dog needs (you know them best!).

Even if your larger breed is built for the snow, outdoor paw covers are beneficial to keep snowballs from forming in their fur.

Larger breeds that probably do not need a winter jacket include:

  • Huskys
  • Newfoundlands
  • Bernese Mountain Dogs

These pups can more comfortably play outside without extra warmth.


Senior Dogs

Senior dogs need extra support in a lot of ways. Temperature control is less easy for them, and their joints need extra warmth for mobility. 

Have you ever noticed your old knee injury flares up in the winter? The same can happen for your pup. Arthritic joints hurt worse in the cold and can prevent your dog from moving around as they please.

Our outdoor dog leggings also provide some extra traction, to prevent your senior dog from sliding on slippery surfaces.


Can My Dog be Too Warm in the Winter?

Yes! Although it can be hard to imagine, your dog can overheat in too many clothes in freezing temps. 

Check-in with your pet in your adventures. Are they panting or tired? It may be time to take off their jacket for the rest of your hike.

Double coated dogs are more susceptible to overheating while exercising, a lightweight rain jacket may be the better solution to protect this kind of dog from the snow.