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Can Dogs Bring COVID-19 Into the House (on Their Paws)?

Can Dogs Bring COVID-19 Into the House (on Their Paws)?

Can Dogs Bring COVID-19 Into the House (on Their Paws)?

The COVID-19 crisis has a lot of people questioning their safety. Dog owners are also wondering if their furry friends can get the virus or spread it. There have been reports of dogs and other pets testing positive for COVID-19, but it’s not the way you think. 

What is COVID-19?

COVID-19, or coronavirus novel, is a new strain of human coronavirus. While “coronavirus” is used interchangeably with “COVID-19,” a coronavirus is the term for the entire family of viruses. 

COVID-19 and Dogs - Can Dogs Carry COVID-19 on Fur and Paws?

Dogs can - and have - tested positive for COVID-19. In all the cases of a positive test, the dog’s owner(s) were also positive for the virus. In many cases, the virus was only found on the dog’s fur and not as an internal infection as with humans. 

As a result, researchers believe that dogs generally aren’t susceptible to the respiratory problems the virus is causing in humans. In fact, researchers don’t believe dogs (or cats) can transmit the virus to humans. 

Rather, their infected humans likely transmit the virus to their dogs by petting their fur. It’s a possibility that the airborne particles transmit from the human to the dog’s fur, resulting in a positive test result. 

Many germs and parasites can be carried into the house from a dogs’ paws. There haven’t been any conclusive studies about COVID-19 and an animal’s paws. However, it’s entirely possible that the virus can live on a dog’s paw, just as it can on their fur. 

New Research Suggests COVID-19 Transmits Further Than Originally Thought

One method used to curb the transmission of COVID-19 is ‘social distancing,’ or keeping a six-foot difference between yourself and strangers. However, new research reveals new details about how the virus transmits. 

A CDC study from data gathered between February 19 to March 2 discovered a startling discovery of how the virus may be transmitted by frontline workers: the soles of their shoes. According to the study about COVID-19 surface distribution in a hospital ward in Wuhan, China, “The soles of medical staff shoes might function as carriers.”

The study reveals that the virus was tracked over 100% of the floor, even in areas without any patients who tested positive for COVID-19. Research concludes that sanitizing the soles of shoes is a necessary step in containing the spread of the virus. 

If the soles of shoes may be carriers, dog owners can’t help but wonder what their dog’s paws are tracking into the house. 

In addition to internal parasites and rabies, dogs can track bacteria into the house on their paws, including: 

  • Campylobacter
  • Leptospira
  • Staphylococcus aureus
  • Streptococcus
  • E. coli
  • Listeria

Protective footwear and diligent hygiene practices can help reduce the risk of your pup’s paws carrying germs into the house. 

Keeping Your Dog Safe With Protective Paw Gear

Walkee Paws can help protect your dog’s paws and your home from germs. The protective paw wear acts as a barrier between the dirty streets and your pooch’s paws. Between walks, simply wash the protective gear and your dog’s paws.

Veterinarians recommend dog owners avoid using products containing alcohol and chemicals when washing a dog’s paws. Simple warm, soapy water is enough to rid your dog’s feet of any germs while protecting their sensitive paw pads. 

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought renewed attention to invisible germs and how easily they are transmitted. Walkee Paws dog leggings can protect your dog’s paws and give their owners some peace of mind in these uncertain times.